Basic principles of environmental catalytic processes
Docente: Sara Colussi
Numero ore: 8
Course content: The course will introduce the PhD student to the fundamentals of environmental catalytic processes, with special attention to the basic principles of heterogeneous catalysis and their application to emissions abatement and sustainable energy production. The basics of environmental catalysis will be presented, and focus will be given to material properties and their characterization using the most applied techniques, as well as to basic reactions and applications, including mechanisms of catalysts deactivation. At the end of the course, the student will acquire the knowledge to recognize selectively the main parameters affecting a catalytic process and the capability to distinguish critically their relative importance. The course will provide the basic tools to discuss and deal with the main environmental catalytic processes.
Metodi didattici: lezioni frontali
Modalita’ di verifica dell’apprendimento: relazione finale scritta
Altre informazioni: corso erogabile in lingua inglese se necessario