
The A3DM&A Lab allows studying and applying innovative hardware and software technologies for stereometric scanning, advanced modeling, binocular visualization and physical prototyping of objects also through the use of three-dimensional environments with virtual and advanced interfaces (immersive spaces, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, etc.).

These technologies are applied in architecture (e.g., 3D data acquisition, digital modeling, real-time stereoscopic vision, 3D printing, etc.) and for industrial product development (e.g.. User eXperience evaluation and design, impact of different representations on design, etc.). The flexible and scalable approach the laboratory has been developed on allows extending the range of application areas almost without limitations.


  • 3D color scanner Artec EVA
  • Virtual Reality System HTC Vive
  • 3D printers working with PLA, ABS, FLEX, PET, etc.

Contact person

Prof. Stefano Filippi