Advanced Courses for PhD Students
Three different types of teaching activities are regularly carried out in the frame of the PhD program:
(1) advanced courses specifically designed for the students of the EEES PhD Programme (organized by members of the PhD Board and/or Board of Experts)
(2) advanced course organized by international centers (e.g. CISM, the International Center of Mechanical Sciences –
(3) seminars or workshops on specific topics in environmental and energy engineering science.
PhD students in their 1st or 2nd year must attend at least one course of type (1) and at least one course of type (2) per academic year.
A summary of the advanced courses organized by CISM can be found here: Full list of CISM Courses (opens in new tab)
The following advanced courses are offered to the students of the EEES PhD Programme by the members of the PhD Board/Board of Experts:
- Advanced measurements techniques for thermo-fluid dynamics
- Basic principles of environmental catalytic processes
- Convective and diffusive transport in reacting flows
- Decarbonization of energy intensive processes
- Elements of hydrogen technology: Materials and applications
- Fundamentals of catalytic processes
- Introduction to molecular modelling
- Inverse eigenvalue problems and applications
- Numerical methods for partial differential equations
- Oxidation of materials under critical conditions
- Variational principles in elasticity
- Water, energy and nutrient recovery from IWC
- Seminars on Computational multiphase fluid mechanics
- Seminars on Experimental multiphase fluid mechanics
- Seminars on Environmental applications of multiphase fluid mechanics
The course content descriptions are available HERE
Rules for earning credits
Each type of training activity corresponds to a certain amount of credits that can be earned by the attendee. The credits are awarded for each activity following the rule 8 hours = 1 credit. Based on this rule:
• Advanced course delivered by PhD Board/Board of Experts: 1 credit
• Seminars: 1 hour = 0.125 credits; 2 hours = 0.25 credits
• Courses and workshops: 1 credit per day, up to max 4 credits
• 1-week-long courses and workshops: 4 credits
• Conferences: 1 credit per conference day + 1 credit if the student is also author and presenter (oral presentation, not poster presentation) of a contribution, up to max 4 credits
Teaching project (Progetto formativo)
The full training project of the PhD program for the current 40th cycle is available HERE (in English, click to open in new tab)
Il progetto formativo completo del dottorato per il 40° ciclo è scaricabile QUI (In Italiano, clicca per aprire in una nuova finestra)
The full training project of the PhD program for the 39th cycle is available HERE (click to open in new tab)