Course Announcement,
Non-destructive Damage Detection Techniques, Structural Health Monitoring and 3D Fracture Mechanics,
The course consists of 8 hours of lectures scheduled as follows:
Lecture 1: Monday 10th June – 2 hrs (14:30 – 16:30) (Sala Gialla – DPIA – UniUD)
Lecture 2: Tuesday 11th June – 2 hrs (10:00 – 12:00) (Sala Gialla – DPIA – UniUD)
Lecture 3 + Lecture 4: Tuesday 11th June – 1 hr (14:30 – 15:30) + 1 hr (16:00-17:00) (Sala Gialla – DPIA – UniUD)
Lecture 4: Wednesday 12th June – 2 hrs (09:30 – 11:30) (Sala Gialla – DPIA – UniUD)
The content of the lectures are summarised in the following table.

Prof. Andrei Kotousov
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, The University of Adelaide
Curriculum Vitae:
Prof Andrei Kotousov has been working at the School of (Electrical and) Mechanical Engineering, the University of Adelaide, Australia for the past 22 years. He has a broad area of expertise in Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, Geo-mechanics and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Specifically, in the SHM area his foremost achievements include the development of methods for damage and defect evaluation based on the fundamental mode of edge waves and early damage detection with linear and nonlinear guided waves.
Prof Kotousov published more than 300 journal and conference articles. He is successful in attracting government and industry funding. Andrei also participated in many resonant structural failure investigations in Australia providing an expert advice to national and international companies and government authorities.
Prof Kotousov has actively promoted fracture and SHM research nationally and internationally through a wide collaborative network and various appointments in the past, most notably as Vice-Chairman of the National Committee on Applied Mechanics, Engineers Australia and President of the Australia Fracture Group.
For more information please visit: